We picked July 12 because it was in the middle of Geiger Brothers' two vacation weeks - in case John would not get the visa to live in Sweden. However, he moved to Sweden already in March of 1986, and by the time we got married, he already had a job...

Five years later, Angelika and Jakob were already part of our lives. Our anniversary picture was taken at John's mother's house (where our children spent many a day), and I'm guessing it was because I was off to work and John had just come home. The  picture is not too fancy, but he had just given me my mother's ring, so it was a good day indeed:)

On our tenth anniversary, Jonathan was on his way - as one can clearly tell by the picture. My mother took that picture, and we had just returned home from a trip to New Sweden with all the grandparents...

Our fifteenth anniversary picture was taken by Lake Auburn, a minute from our house. Don't we look settled? I was finally teaching, and life started getting a bit more organized - a bit more.

Then five years ago, I put on my wedding gown for a third time (the first time it served as a prom dress), and I made the whole family dress up for a fancy picture. I appreciate them all being such good sports about my family photo obsession - and for just being wonderful in general....